
reet exam 2022 paper viral

reet exam 2022 paper viral

The question paper of the fourth shift of the Teacher Eligibility Test (REET), conducted by the Board of Secondary Education on Sunday, went viral on social media after the examination. After the examination, the question paper was withdrawn from the candidates. Even after this, questions have been raised on the transparency of the examination when the question paper comes out. As the paper went viral on social media, candidates started protesting. Candidates say that it should be checked. The questions of the viral question paper and the fourth shift paper are identical. It is noteworthy that the fourth shift paper started at 3 pm. For this, the candidates were given admission to the examination centers at two o'clock. It was mandatory for the candidate to submit it after the examination. It is possible that the candidate may have torn some pages and kept it in his pocket and made it viral. On the other hand, Rajya Sabha MP Kirori Lal Meena has tweeted that about 42 questions in the fourth shift paper went viral on social media of social studies. Huh. When the paper was submitted by the candidates, where did it come from on social media. He said that the truth should be checked.

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