
When will Holashtak take place and what are the things forbidden to do in it

When will Holashtak take place and what are the things forbidden to do in it

Holi, full of gaiety and gaiety, is of great importance in the Sanatan tradition. It is forbidden to do auspicious works eight days before this great festival. Which is called Holashtak. Read this article to know the religious significance of Holashtak and its simple remedies.

The information of Holi, the most popular festival of Hindu religion, is received from Holashtak. The festival of Holi starts from Holashtak and continues till Dhulandi. In the eight days from the Ashtami of Falgun Shukla Paksha to Holika Dahan, all auspicious works are prohibited. As soon as Holashtak takes place, even if the auspicious work stops, but this time is good for the worship of our deities. Let us know since when Holashtak is being held this year and what is the religious-spiritual significance of Holashtak.

When will Holashtak take place?
Holashtak, which gives information about the holy festival of Holi in the year 2022, will last from 10 March 2022, Thursday to 18 March 2022, Friday. It is believed that doing any auspicious work during this period brings bad omen. Preparation for Holi and Holika Dahan starts from Holashtak.

Why auspicious work is not done in Holashtak
There is a legend behind not doing auspicious work on the eight days of Holashtak, according to which Lord Shiva burnt Kamdev to ashes on the Falgun Shukla Ashtami date due to the fault of breaking his penance. After the god of love was consumed, a wave of mourning spread among the people. After this, when Kamadeva's wife Rati prayed to Lord Shiva, she assured Kamadeva to be revived. After this people rejoiced. According to another legend about Holashtak, King Hiranyakashipu had tormented his son Prahlad during these eight days to divert his son Prahlad from devotion to Lord Vishnu. After this, on the eighth day when Holika, who had the boon of not burning with fire, Prahlad was saved even after burning it. In such a situation, considering these eight days as inauspicious, no auspicious work is done.

What not to do on Holashtak
As soon as Holashtak is observed, all auspicious works including the sixteen rites associated with Hinduism are stopped. Even if someone dies in the meantime, then peace is also made for his funeral. It is also forbidden to construct or enter any building during this period. It is believed that a girl who is newly married, she should not see the first Holi of her in-laws' house.

This work should be done on Holashtak
In Holashtak, where all auspicious works including 16 rites are forbidden, this time is considered to be very good for the worship of our deities. During this, celibacy should be followed completely while worshiping God. Bathing and donation at the pilgrimage place during Holashtak is also of great importance.

(The information given here is based on religious beliefs and folk beliefs, there is no scientific evidence for this. It has been presented here keeping in mind the general interest.)

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